My little munchkin is doing so many new things the past two weeks. He has definatly got his loud screeming personality from his dad lol cuz thats how brandon was when he was a kid.. or so i hear! So last week i put gavin down on the blanket and went into the bedroom.. when i came back he had rolled over!! yay success! lol except he had rolled onto the hard wood and threw up everywhere.. (yes i am used to that so i didnt freak out at all :)) He has found this laugh he does, where he inhales as much as he can (its sounds halarious!) then lets out a laugh . and then he will do it over and over again.. its the cutest thing ive ever seen. ofcourse every mom thinks there baby is the cutest! but how could they not :) the whole time i was pregnant i looked forward to gavin being a mommys boy... i dont think i got so lucky with that. although yes he loves me for sure.. his dad is way funner to look at. i dont know what it is but gavin will not look at me when brandon is home... its all eyes on daddy! lol but brandon loves it. and even though im jelous i think its the cutest thing.
Gavin started scooting.. yay! he has kind of a hard time though cuz when he does it his face goes right into the ground. u can tell he is trying so hard though!. poor little guy. but he will get there. its so fun to watch him get smarter. oh ya!.. he is eating big boy food now.. yummy rice cereal lol once a day. his face is priceless cuz the first bite he does not like at all! but its growing on him.
he also is loving his feet.. he always has his feet in his hands and is trying to eat them hahah yummmmm. lol capri came over the other day and took pics of him for me and we could not get him to let go of those cute little feet. lol everything he can get ahold of goes right to the mouth. he loves playing with cousin wyatt.. and cant wait untill he can crawl like he does.
he is also sitting now! for about 20 sec at first then he will lose balance but its getting better! yesterday he sat for a few minutes.. i couldnt believe it! he really likes it now.
well he is sleeping better now.. finally! i thaught i was never going to sleep again. but his schedule is back to normal. me and brandon are so glad. well thats all for now. :) xoxo