Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Baby at 27 weeks!!

GOODBYE placenta previa!! Hello healthy pregnancy! :) I had an ultrasound this morning and the placenta has completely moved! So happy. Now i can just relax and enjoy this pregnancy! So here are the latest pictures of the little adorable boy growing inside me as we speak! How amazing is this.


Francis Family said...

ahh those are amazing Krist!!!! That is so freakin waesome it moved. I`m so happy for you!! Now just relax and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy before you have to chase two little ones around ;) Love ya!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that it moved! Yeah no bed rest. But you still should relax. Those pictures are cute and weire looking ;) See you Saturday!

Trent and Becky said...

Kristy I am so happy for you. Prayers work!!!! I love you and can't wait to see you again.